About life! About an artist! & How to help!

If you're awake, you are blessed. Life is a priceless gift, appreciate every minute of it. 
*This post is about a case of a guy from my town, an acquaintance of mine.*

Nicolae Vasile Pavil (Nicu) has 20 years and he loves music; this is why, this years, he graduated from High School of Arts. 

Everything was fine until he fell in the bathroom and felt that something is wrong. After that unpleasant incident, he made a CT scan and his life changed, because he was diagnosed with vestibular schwannoma.  
"A vestibular schwannoma, often called an acoustic neuroma, is a benig primary intracranial tumor of the myelin-forming cells of thevestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve). A type of schwannoma, this tumor arises from the Schwann cells responsible for the myelin sheath that helps keep peripheral nerves insulated. Approximately 3,000 cases are diagnosed each year in the United States with a prevalence of about 1 in 100,000 worldwide. It comprises 5–10% of all intracranial neoplasms in adults. Incidence peaks in the fifth and sixth decades and both sexes are affected equally." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestibular_schwannoma)
Now he must undergo a surgery in Germany. The cost of surgery is 30.000 € !!! This amount is huge for his family, because his father is unemployed and his mother is a nurse. 

So, if you think everybody deserve a chance to live and you want to help him, you can transfer some money in these two bank accounts



The official result of CT scan: 

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